About GogoML

At GogoML, we're pioneering the democratization of Machine Learning (ML) for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Recognizing the transformative power of ML in driving innovation and efficiency, we've created a user-friendly, zero-code platform that breaks down the barriers of cost, complexity, and the need for specialized knowledge. Our platform enables SMEs to easily apply advanced ML capabilities, such as predictive analytics and customer segmentation, to their business strategies. With GogoML, businesses can harness their data for smarter decision-making, optimizing operations, and gaining a competitive edge—all without any coding requirement.

CEO Thomas Cheuk

Thomas (Hoo-Tung) Cheuk – Founder

Thomas possesses over 20 years of experience in the software industry, where he has played a significant role in assisting enterprises across various sectors to enhance their business operations through the application of AI technologies.

CMO Emily Carter

Emily CarterMarketing Officer

Emily believes in the power of data-driven marketing strategies to create impactful campaigns. She emphasizes the importance of understanding customer behavior and leveraging digital tools to enhance brand awareness and engagement.

Chief Data Scientist Callum Bouchard

Callum Bouchard – Chief Data Scientist

Callum is passionate about driving innovation with accessible and ethical AI. He is committed to fostering collaboration and developing practical, impactful data solutions at GogoML.